Wednesday 29 September 2021

Cooking at home!

Jacob has been helping make dinner and some yummy fruit iceblocks at home with his whanau in lockdown. The flavour of the pizza is; spaghetti and red sausage with cheese on top. The iceblocks are made with juiced watermelon. Great practice of Healthy Me, Healthy You! Well done from Mrs Carter.

Wednesday 15 September 2021

Rm 24 Google Meet

Yesterday afternoon we had the best turnout at our 2pm Google Meet of 12 children and 2 support staff online. Can you see yourself and your friends? We talked about who has a "Pop It" at their house and we showed them to each other... This is Mrs Carter's rainbow teddy one!

Friday 10 September 2021

Painting with my brother

Jacob and his little brother Jedi have been super busy and creative painting these ceramics during lockdown. What a fun way to keep busy and creative at home! Thank you for sharing your mahi from Mrs Carter.

Friday 3 September 2021

Team 2 Google Meets

Jacob has enjoyed our Team 2 Assembly online and our afternoon class chats on Google Meet during lockdown. He has introduced his younger brother Jedi and also played some music to us. Well done for using your GM4GM!